Kontribusi Kepemimpinan Pimpinan Sidang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia Se-Jabodetabek

Joyanda Sianturi


This study was designed to measure the level of contribution of leadership of the pastor on the growth of the Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia in Jabodetabek. Against the background of the reality that the church today is experiencing a severe challenge, namely how to grow in the rapid development of the times. Not only is the church not growing, the church is declining. Christian missions have always been concerned with church growth, so research on the topic of church growth remains popular. Church growth occurs in history and among human communities, can be measured from various dimensions and influenced by various factors. The formulation of the problem raised is: is there a contribution of leadership of the pastor on the growth of the Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia in JABODETABEK in 2022? The research method used in this study is a quantitative, the type of research chosen is cause-and-effect correlation survey research. The study population was leaders of the Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia congregation in Jabodetabek, which was selected as a sample of 135 people. The data collection technique through questionnaires contains a list of 60 statements with Likert scales. At the end of the study it was found that there was a contribution of leadership of the pastor on church growth of 47.6%.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.57069/haggadah.v5i2.7074


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