Tugas Pemberitaan Ajaran yang Sehat Berdasarkan Titus 2-3

Dermanto Purba


This research aims to explain the task of preaching healthy teachings based on Titus 2-3. It is motivated by the difficulties of church members in showing a good example as a Christian. As a result, his Christian life became a stumbling block, and the pastoral ministry in his church was questioned. The behavior of some churchgoers does not reflect the Christian life as it is written in the Bible, they are very easy to fall into sin. It is not surprising that there are church members who are not willing to be taught, do not want to be reprimanded for their mistakes, do not want to receive advice from the Pastors of the Church, and there are even congregations that leave the church when they are reprimanded for their mistakes. What is the task of preaching healthy teachings based on Titus 2-3? To answer this research question, the author uses a qualitative method of execution, a data collection technique carried out by quoting the original text of the Bible in Greek. Data analysis consists of: etymology, which shows the meaning of words based on their origins; and exegesis, which is interpreting verse by verse. From the results of the study, it is concluded that the task of preaching healthy teachings: direction must be given to congregations in all age groups, the basis of direction of congregational life is grace, and the content of direction of congregational life is about good behavior, life changes and distinguishing useful things from useless things.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.57069/haggadah.v5i2.7072


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