Tirsanika Surbakti


This study in the background is still a steady number of churches that have not experienced growth in both quality and quantity. Not even a few churches ended up in isolation because they did not have a congregation. On the other hand there was also the church that experienced rapid growth over time. This can be seen from the steadily growing of new stakes and the increasing number of branch churches that were opened in different areas. In this study the authors chose to examine the large GBI medan plaza family because it is one of the churches that experienced considerable growth in both quantity and quality. The study aims to know the extent of the power of prayer and service of Dionia to affect the growth of the church. To know the effects of the power of prayer and of dionia service, researchers use research methods with a descriptive quantitative approach. The collection of data was carried out using a research instrument of a questionnaire handed out to the congregation. The data already collected is done analysis through tests of validity and reliability. The results of the tests came to have a significant impact on the power of prayer and of service of dionia on the growth of the gbi plaza large family. The power of prayer has a 20% effect on the growth of the church. Dionia service has a 19% effect on the growth of the church, whereas the power of prayer and service together has a 20% effect on growth

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