Keutamaan Kristus: Prainkarnasi, Inkarnasi, Kemanusiaan, dan Keilahian Kristus

Tutur Parade Tua Panjaitan


The struggle to put Jesus in his rightful place occurred not only in New Testament times, but also in the centuries that followed, even now. There is an understanding that puts emphasis on the human aspect of Jesus, and ignores the aspect of His divinity. On the other hand, there are also those who place emphasis on the divinity of Jesus, and ignore his humanity. The purpose of this research is to defend the doctrine of the primacy of Christ by explaining the preincarnation, incarnation, humanity, and divinity of Christ. The author uses a descriptive qualitative method, raising the issue of Christian theology, namely Christology. The research design seeks to provide statements about the doctrine of the Christian faith that are logically related. At the end of the research, it was concluded that the Bible preached that Christ existed before He became man, He is the eternal God. The eternal Christ took upon Himself an additional nature, man, through the birth of a virgin. Christ is a true man, born of a woman, as is the case with other human beings, who subsequently undergoes physical development as is the case with all human beings. Jesus Christ is the true God.

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