Surya Kencana Meliala


This research contradicts the fact that there are many Christians who do not want to struggle to mature spiritually. Some people think that spiritual maturity happens automatically, does not need to be planned, does not need to be done, does not require effort and does not need to be carried out with commitment. The basic assumption of this study is that discipleship has a positive effect on the spiritual maturity of the congregation. So the purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an influence of discipleship on the spiritual maturity of the congregation. The formulation of the problem raised, is there any influence of discipleship on the spiritual maturity of the church? The scope of a person's spiritual maturity includes maturity of recognition, feelings and behavior. While the characteristics of spiritual maturity qualities can have several aspects, including morals, character, and prayer. The gospel motives cover three important areas in the context of discipleship: love, God's promise, and repentance. There are at least five main elements to successful discipleship: mission, responsibility, multiplication, communal, Bible-based. The study was held at the Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) Lewi Cibubur, with a quantitative approach, the number of samples was 40 people. At the end of the study, it was found that discipleship influences positive spiritual maturity (42%).

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