Kriteria, Kelemahan dan Akibat Ajaran Lain Berdasarkan 1 Timotius 6:2b-5

Tutur Parade Tua Panjaitan


The purpose of this research was to understand what Paul meant by other teachings and what their implications were for teaching sound doctrine for the church today, based on 1 Timothy 6:2b-5. This research focuses more on the meaning of "other teachings" because in the text Paul refers to "other teachings." The formulation of the problem raised is: First, what does Paul mean by another teaching? Second, what are the implications for teaching sound doctrine for today's church? The Bible is accepted to be the only standard and to be the primary tool for teaching the Christian faith. But to understand the Bible as it is intended, and to find messages relevant to the church throughout the ages, a tool known as presupposition is needed, which are the historical doctrines of the Christian faith that the forerunners of the church have formulated including the inerrancy of the Bible, the trinity of God, and others summarized in the Apostolic Creed. In fact, throughout early church history to the present, this presupposition has not always been accepted by all Christians. There are always people who doubt and even reject the presupposition, so they are prone to produce other teachings. The results of the study concluded that, what Paul meant by other teachings was teachings that were not based on the words of the Lord Jesus Christ and were not in accordance with Christian doctrine. The implications for today's church: sound doctrine must be constantly held and taught; other teachings outside the Bible and the historical doctrine of Christianity (presuppositions) must be rejected; wealth, prosperity, success, and the number of followers do not necessarily indicate that God approves of the teachings of a person or group; and sound teaching must be evident from the Christian life every day.

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