Teladan Orang Muda Berdasarkan Surat 1 Timotius 4:12

Elda Buana Gurning


This research was done to explain the role models of young people based on 1 Timothy 4:12. Among young people, bad behavior problems are found. Efforts have been made by church leaders to teach young people about role models, but young people are prone to bad company. Young people tend to follow influences from outside the church that are considered to be trending. The formulation of the problem raised is what is the role models of young people based on 1 Timothy 4:12? In 1 Timothy is told of a young man whom Paul warned not to look down upon. The young man was Timothy. The author of 1 Timothy was Paul himself, with themes of true doctrine and piety. Paul's epistles to Timothy are commonly referred to as pastoral epistles. This letter gives the impression that the apostle Paul was preparing Timothy to take over from him as the next generation of church ministry. The research approach used is exegesis, a data collection technique by quoting the original text of the Bible in Greek. Data analysis by collecting lexical etymology data, which shows the meaning verbatim based on its origin, then interpreting the verse. At the end of the study the authors conclude that young people can be role models in their words, in their behavior, in their love, in their faithfulness, and in their chastity

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