Pengaruh Kompetensi, Integritas dan Spiritualitas Terhadap Kesehatan Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia Se-Jabodetabek

Dermanto Purba


The purpose of this study was to measure the degree of influence of competence, integrity, and spirituality simultaneously on the health of the church. Today there are churches that do not show the characteristics of a healthy church. Church ministers who lack integrity have damaged the health of the church. Actual facts in the church today there have often been various problems such as disputes, cross-disputes between pastors and church officials, pastor disputes with congregations, to divorce in Christian families. The health of a church is measured by its moral and spiritual qualities, not by one activist methodology or one pragmatic technology. The churches of New Testament times had healthy church sizes: churches that were healthy in duty, churches that were healthy in leadership, churches that were healthy in ministry, churches that were healthy in fellowship, churches that were healthy in testimony. The formulation of the problem raised is whether there is a simultaneous influence of competence, integrity, and spirituality on the health of the church? The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, the type of research chosen is cause-and-effect correlation survey research. The study population was ministers of the Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia in Jabodetabek, who were selected to be a sample of 135 people. The data collection technique through questionnaires contains a list of 32 statements with Likert scales. At the end of the study, it was found that there was a simultaneous influence of competence (X1), integrity (X2) and spirituality (X3) on church health (Y) 87.5% (high).

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