Pengharapan di tengah Pandemi Covid-19: Perspektif Roma 5:1-5

Ayub Rusmanto


This paper is based on the dissemination of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a virus that causes depression in the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and even death. The Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to cause misery and suffering in the fields of economy, business, education, and worship for mankind. Which of course has an impact on human life experiencing anxiety, despair, and lack of hope. However, there is still hope during the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The method used in writing this paper is a descriptive qualitative method with literature, literature, correlated journal, and a hermeneutic approach to describe the subject descriptively about hope in the midst of a pandemic examined by the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The results of this paper are concluded even though there is hope in the Covid-19 pandemic, based on expectations examined from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. In this case, a correct spiritual understanding is needed and implemented in real life, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is still hope.

Karya tulis ini bertolak desiminasi pandemi Covid-19 adalah virus yang menyebabkan depresiasi sistem pernapasan, infeksi paru-paru yang berat, sampai-sampai kematian. Pandemi Covid-19 berpotensi mengakibatkan kesengsaraan, penderitaan dibidang ekonomi, usaha, pendidi-kan, dan peribadatan bagi umat manusia. Yang tentunya berdampak bagi kehidupan umat manusia mengalami kegelisahan, keputus asaan dan tidak adanya pengharapan. Namun, masih ada pengharapan dimasa pandemi Covid-19 ditelisih perspektif Roma 5:1-5. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya tulis ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan, lieteratur, jurnal yang berkorelasi dan hermeneutik untuk menguraikan pokok bahasan secara deskriptif tentang pengharapan ditengah pandemi ditelisih perspektif Roma 5:1-5. Hasil karya tulis ini disimpulkan meskipun dalam pandemi Covid 19 tetap ada pengharapan berdasarkan pengharapan yang ditelisih dari perspektif Roma 5:1-5. Dalam hal ini diperlukan pemahaman spiritual yang benar dan diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan nyata di tengah-tengah pandemi Covid-19 tetap ada pengharapan.

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