Pengaruh Konseling terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Remaja Kristen di Kos Jaya Hang Tuah, Medan
This research was conducted to determine the level of the influence of counseling on the character building of Christian youth at Kos Jaya Hang Tuah Medan. One of the efforts to have a character according to the character of Christ is through counseling care. The development of Christian character obtained through understanding the word and spiritual experiences with God, will form Christian youth that have an impact on families, churches and many people. In order to avoid various immoral acts due to the character development of Christian youth, it is necessary to study the building of Christian character according to the character of Christ. The research approach used is a quantitative approach. The study population was the youth in Kos Jaya on Jl. Hang Tuah No. 1 Medan as many as 30 people, all of whom were taken as samples. The authors found that the level of character building for Christian Youth in Kos Jaya is moderate and the effect of counseling on character building is positive and significant.
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