Pengaruh Theopreneurship Berdasarkan Nats Yohanes 15:1-8 terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jemaat Gereja GBI Keluarga Besar Medan Plaza

Aremi Evanta Tarigan


Church growth is a phenomenon that is very commonly discussed by people, especially in the world of Christianity. Often church growth is seen in terms of quantity without regard to the quality of the congregation. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of theopreneur-ship based on John 15: 1-8 on the economic growth of the GBI Keluarga Besar Medan Plaza congregation. The research method used is a quantitative method. The population and sample of the study were all 3,500 workers of the Bethel Church of Indonesia Rayon IV with a sample set of 10%, namely 350 respondents. The result of the research is that there is an influence of theopreneurship according to John 15: 1-8 on the economic growth of the church by 74.1%. The conclusion is, partially there is a significant influence between the application of theopreneurship principles according to John 15: 1-8 with the economic growth of the church. It is important to use the characteristics of entrepreneurship, as well as the application of theopreneurship principles according to John 15: 1-8 on the dependent variable (church economic growth).


Pertumbuhan gereja merupakan sebuah fenomena yang sangat lazim diperbincangkan orang terutama dalam dunia kekristenan. Seringkali pertumbuhan gereja dilihat dari kuantitas tanpa memperhatikan kualitas jemaat. Tujuan penelian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh theopreneur-ship berdasarkan Yohanes 15:1-8 terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi jemaat GBI Keluarga Besar Medan Plaza. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah seluruh pengerja Gereja Bethel Indonesia Rayon IV sebanyak 3.500 orang dengan menetapkan sampel sebesar 10 %, yaitu 350 responden. Hasil penelitian adalah ada pengaruh theopreneurship menurut Yohanes 15:1-8 terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi jemaat sebesar 74,1%. Kesimpulannya adalah, secara parsial ada pengaruh signifikan antara penerapan prinsip-prinsip theopreneurship menurut Yohanes 15:1-8 dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi jemaat. Penting untuk pemanfaatan karakteristik entrepreneurship, serta penerapan prinsip-prinsip theopreneurship menurut Yohanes 15:1-8 terhadap variabel dependen (pertumbuhan ekonomi jemaat).

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